Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Researching Grenadier

I love a good charity shop/car boot find.

That feeling when you find a box of second hand toy soldiers is a joy for us all. I once was at a carboot and spied the ugliest cardboard box I have ever seen. Covered in kittens, (my wife made me dispose of the box as soon as possible, it was creepy, seriously creepy.) something about the box made me open the lid. Inside it was jammed full of warhammer dwarves and orcs. I didnt even delve, just bought the lot for a couple of quid and had the joy of going through it all at home.

I also love researching and identifying items I find.  My latest bagfull I will admit wasn't found by myself but by a friend, then passed on as they had no use for it. So, challenge accepted, let the research begin!

Most of the models I discovered were from Grenadier (the capital G on the slotta on some was my first clue.) These first ones are Troopers with Heavy Weapons, from 2015, I'm keeping these and painting them up for Rogue Stars.
A pair of Cyberpunk Nomads from 1995. That bike has difficult to base written all over it. I do like the design though, somebody was watching Akira when they sculpted that.
Orcs with Field crossbow, more Grenadier from 1987, sadly one of the Orcs has some knife damage. I have seen this set for sale from Campaign Game Miniatures, I'm guessing they have bought the molds.
An assortment of adventurers from Grenadier in the 90's. These will be painted up for Heroquest or Pathfinder.
Not sure on the first of these two, some kind of Ogre or Troll, maybe? Both are a good 40 to 45mm tall, the one on the right is the Lord of Death from Grenadiers Fantasy Lords range.
These chaps are interesting and I have yet to properly identify them. They are Grenadier, coded underneath from A653 to A657. They seem to be dressed in fantasy/medieval gear and are armed with what look like one shot black powder weapons or fireworks? Any help identifying these would be gratefully received.

A motley crew of I am guessing post apocalyptic survivers. I know nothing about these other than they are Grenadier, no date, no identifying codes.

 Finally, the only non-Grenadier models, two oldhammer Games Workshop models. On the left,  Lord of Battle in Unicorn Helm and then Stro Knor MaceKiller, from 1987.  For some reason people lap up old school Warhammer, so I might have to part with these.

I must admit, at first glance I thought a lot of this was going to the Father in Law to melt down for re-casting, but actually there are a couple of nice models here. More to add to the to do pile then!


  1. Wandered in via Faceache :)

    Those "unknown c15th gunmen" appear to be these -

    Described as Harquebusiers in the old Grenadier Fantasy Human Range. They'd do nicely for historicals!

    1. Ah, thank you Toxic Pixie. A quick Google and I have discovered that the Harquebusier was the most common form of Cavalry in the early and mid 17th Century. These chaps are on foot though, so should be called Arquebusiers I'm guessing, armed wth these large muskets designed for steadying against battlements or walls when firing.
