Friday, December 22, 2023

Happy Christmas from the Leadpile

Well, where has this year gone? It seems like five minutes ago I was last wishing you all a Merry Christmas. This will be my thirteenth post this year, so once again I just about keep up the average of at least one post a month. I do always endeavour to post more, but I am too busy painting! This month I have been spending all my time building and priming ready for the Analogue Hobby Challenge, which as you read this has now already started. So, nothing new to show here, but things are afoot. 

I think in the new year I am going to have to do a hobby audit. It's always good to periodically have a check and see what you actually have, sometimes I get inspired to do a project with something I had forgotten I owned, like my Epic Chaos army or my Warhammer Goblins (although, yes I did buy extra bits for both of those projects too.) Sometimes old miniatures can be given a new lease of life and be used in a new project. My old Gorkamorka Digganobs got a repaint this year to be added to an Ork and Grot army I am planning on using in Xenos Rampant. (teenage me originally did a terrible rush paint job on them just to get them on the table.) I'm also considering stripping some of my old Space Marines and giving them a repaint, other wise they will just sit in the box for another year.

We have been quite organised here at Chez Lead, so all presents are wrapped, just a few food prep things to do today and then Christmas pjs and hot chocolates are in order later. This morning I joined the live stream from Bad Squiddo as per a normal Sunday. All the painting gubbins are packed away for a few days, (yes, dining tables do get used for something other than painting/playing wargames, apparently people sit round them and eat dinner.) so a little light Osprey reading might be in order later too. The Illustrious Opponent is organising a "Tale of Four Gamers" type WW2 campaign and I have elected to paint up Australians. I am very thinly read on what I need to start painting, so some research is required. I am a little concerned by the lack of tanks available, but I am sure it will be fine. (In true historical style I can just steal everyone else's.)

All it remains for me to say is may you and yours have a lovely festival period. Whether you spend it with family, found family, friends or happily by yourself, I hope you get to spend it well. 

Happy Hogswatch, Yulemas, Christmas, whichever you choose (maybe one of these?)

Stay safe, 


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