Sunday, August 4, 2024

Post number 100

 Its been a while, I've been busy. You play a few wargames and paint a few models and all of a sudden a couple of months have flown by. I've also been mulling over what to do for this post as it is that milestone. I have now written 100 posts on this blog. My first post was back in May 2018, so I have kept this up for over 6 years now. Still no offers for a book deal, one can continue to dream. I couldn't decide on anything specific for post 100 in the end, so maybe just a shameless throw out of some statistics.

Almost 68,000 views of the webpage since inception, my most popular post was a review of Salute in April 2019. It's tricky to see how many views individual posts have as sometimes blogger just flags it as a page view not an individual post read. The most popular set up to read the blog from is Chrome on Windows. The most popular location to read from is Singapore, closely followed by the United States, I suspect that is just due to larger populations. Most people find the blog from Facebook and Instagram although I did enjoy the brief period of time when people were visiting via a story from Beasts of War site where some of my painting appeared. 

Since last post I have been busy painting and gaming. At the club we are looking at the possibility of starting a Mordheim campaign, so I have been building a Carnival of Chaos gang. In the rules it is a warband that follow Nurgle the god of Pestilence, but I thought it would be fun to model them as followers of Khorne the blood god instead. Using the same rules, just painting the models a bit more red.

The Pirate with the Monkey is from Bad Squiddo, the Bear and Clown from Crooked Dice. The others sadly I cannot remember the manufacturers

The carnival has the option of a Plague cart as well, instead I have converted a cart to hold sacrificial prisoners, although you can't see the prisoner very well now it is completed. I can assure you, there is someone trapped in there.

Instead of nurglings, I found these great little devils from Alternative Armies that make awesome Khornate equivalents. They were doing a great deal where four of them were given free with every order, although as of writing this offer ends tomorrow on the 5th, so you may have missed it.

Also on the painting table is this awesome Lumpy Toad from Trent at Miscast, if you are in the UK you can order it from The Still Tower here. If you are ordering from them, get some of these stickers too and stick em on your miniatures case, you will be the envy of your club when you turn up rocking the retro look.

He is painted red to fit in with with my Night Goblin army,  he will fit right in with the Squigs I am sure.

Regular readers will remember the "Thundercats" from Crooked Dice I have been painting, well they have their tank now. 

It is a 3D print and comes with alternative open canopy and lowered "claws". I might paint those up too, but I haven't yet worked out how I am going to magnetise it. The kit is hollow, so adding magnet holes looks a bit tricky. I have no use gaming wise for any of them yet, sometimes you just have to paint models you like just for the sake of it. No longer do I go around shows thinking, that's nice but I have no use for it. If I want to paint something now, I paint it.

Finally I have painted up some Ghouls from Bad Squiddo games. These were from an earlier Kickstarter and I felt I should get them done before the next Kickstarter models arrive! I shall probably use some of them in a Mordheim Undead Warband. It is a common fact, no Mordheim player can ever stick to one Warband, there are just too many cool ones to choose from!

That's it for now. I need to get back to the painting, it's too warm and I need to get the paint on the models before it all dries up!